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veterinary drug
The efficacy and side effects of vitamin K4
2023-09-06 17:25:54
Vitamin K4 is a vitamin drug. Vitamin K4, also known as prothrombin, is an active substance that promotes blood coagulation and hemostasis, and is one of the basic substances required for cell division and proliferation. Lack of vitamin K4 can affect normal development and cause abnormal bleeding, as well as slow hemostasis and coagulation after bleeding.
Vitamin K4 is mainly suitable for coagulation disorders caused by vitamin K deficiency. Vitamin K deficiency caused by intestinal malabsorption. Obstructive jaundice, chronic ulcerative colitis, chronic pancreatitis, and decreased intestinal absorption function after extensive small bowel resection caused by various reasons; Long term use of antibiotics can lead to a deficiency of vitamin K in the body. Broad-spectrum antibiotics or intestinal microbicides can kill or inhibit the normal bacterial community in the intestine, resulting in a decrease in the synthesis of vitamins by bacteria in the intestine.
Vitamin K4 is also suitable for neonatal bleeding, as well as for vitamin K deficiency caused by diarrhea in breastfed or artificially fed infants, or other reasons. Occasionally used for biliary colic caused by gallstones or biliary ascariasis (biliary ascariasis). And rescue those poisoned by the rodenticide "sodium diphosphate" (preferably in large doses).
side effect
Vitamin K4 is water-soluble and can be well absorbed by oral administration with or without bile secretion, and can be directly absorbed into the bloodstream β Lipoprotein transport is rapidly metabolized in the liver, excreted through the kidneys and bile ducts, and does not accumulate in the body. The effect of vitamin K4 only becomes apparent about 8-24 hours after injection.
The toxicity of vitamin K4 in natural foods is almost non-existent and the toxic dosage is extremely high. However, vitamin K4 supplements have significant side effects after excessive use, mainly manifested in gastrointestinal discomfort, liver function damage, and kidney function damage. For three-month babies, these three side effects can directly affect the normal development of the digestive system, liver, and kidneys. Therefore, when the word is not necessary, It is not recommended to intentionally supplement your baby with vitamin K4.
Vitamin K4 poses a risk of liver poisoning. Newborns or premature infants who take excessive doses of vitamin K4 due to immature enzyme systems and poor excretion function can easily cause hyperbilirubinemia or oxidative damage hemolysis.
Occasionally, urticaria or other allergic reactions may occur when taking vitamin K4.
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