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Feed Additives
The role of choline chloride in poultry farming
2023-08-30 16:51:39

Choline chloride, also known as egg enhancer and vitamin B4, is the most widely used choline supplement in the feed industry. In the mouths of many feed people, choline chloride is often referred to as "choline". Choline (scientific name hydroxide) β- Hydroxyethyltrimethylamine is one of the essential components in animal bodies. Animals can synthesize choline in the liver when protein is sufficient. Feed materials also contain a certain amount of natural choline, but these amounts cannot meet the needs of animal rapid growth, so choline must be artificially added to supplement.

Choline chloride, as a component of lecithin and neurophospholipids, plays an important role in forming cellular structure and maintaining cellular function. It can regulate the proportion of lipids in lipoproteins and the speed of lipid transport within the body, while also affecting fat metabolism, as well as fat accumulation and tissue degeneration in the liver and kidneys. Both methionine and choline are chicken body methyl donors, but the number of choline methyl donors is three times higher than methionine.
When the supply of methionine in the daily diet is insufficient, choline can replace some methionine, thereby improving the conversion and utilization rate of nutrients such as protein. Therefore, in the process of laying hens breeding, adding choline chloride as a vitamin additive in an appropriate amount in high-energy feed mainly composed of corn can improve the egg production and egg quality of laying hens.
The effect of choline
Choline chloride has a significant effect on promoting the growth and development of livestock and poultry, improving the quality of meat and eggs, and reducing feed consumption.
1. Choline is one of the components that make up the cell membrane.
2. As a precursor of acetylcholine, it has the function of transmitting neural signals.
3. It can participate in the metabolism and transportation of fat, promote fat breakdown, and prevent the formation of fatty liver.
4. Choline is a necessary substance for the production of lecithin, which can accelerate the growth of livestock and poultry, improve egg production and hatching rates.
5. As a donor of methyl, it can promote the formation of amino acids. Improve the utilization rate of amino acids.
Choline chloride also plays a prominent role in feeding.
The first point is that it is anti fatty liver, as it is involved in fat metabolism and transformation in the body. The second point is that it can improve the quality of meat and eggs and prevent diseases and diseases.
The third point is to promote the growth of chicken flocks and improve the conversion and utilization efficiency of feed.
Why should chicken feed be supplemented with choline chloride?
1、 Chicken feed contains a certain amount of choline chloride, which can also be synthesized in the body of chickens. As the synthesis ability increases with age, the demand for choline in chickens increases, especially in young chickens. However, the synthesis speed cannot meet the needs of growth and development, and if not added carefully, it is prone to deficiency. In addition, the ability of the body to synthesize choline is related to the amount of choline added to the feed during the growth period. Adding too much choline to the feed during the growth period can cause a decrease in the chicken's own choline synthesis ability, which makes the chicken more sensitive to choline deficiency in adulthood.
2、 Choline is synthesized in the liver, and vitamin B12, methionine, and folic acid play important roles in the synthesis of choline. Therefore, when poultry suffer from liver diseases or have insufficient levels of vitamin B12, methionine, and folic acid in feed, it can also cause choline deficiency. In addition, the raw materials for synthesizing choline in the liver are methionine and serine. If the choline level in the feed is appropriate, methionine does not need to be used as a raw material for synthesizing choline. Due to the low price of choline, adding it in moderation can not only save methionine but also be more economical.
3、 The demand for choline is related to the energy concentration of the diet. When fed with a high-energy and high-fat diet, on the one hand, the intake of choline in chickens decreases, resulting in insufficient intake of choline; On the other hand, the liver also needs more choline to synthesize lipoprotein to transport out liver fat, so attention should be paid to the addition of dietary choline.
4、 Vitamin B2 and B5 are related to the utilization of choline in the body, and when they are lacking, they can cause

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